vík is the old Scandinavian word for bay
the place where people choose to settle
after they have discovered new land
(photo Husavík, Iceland)
atelier vík
dok noord 4E 201
B - 9000 Ghent
Klaas Vanslembrouck
+32 485 108 456
Graduated (2003) as Master of Architecture - Design tutor at KULeuven University - Faculty of Architecture and KASK (Royal Academy of Fine Arts) Ghent.

vík is the old Scandinavian word for bay
the place where people choose to settle
after they have discovered new land
(photo Husavík, Iceland)
atelier vík
dok noord 4E 201
B - 9000 Ghent
Klaas Vanslembrouck
+32 485 108 456
Graduated (2003) as Master of Architecture - Design tutor at KULeuven University - Faculty of Architecture and KASK (Royal Academy of Fine Arts) Ghent.